ETonline - Breaking News

Sunday, January 31, 2010

Soap It UP!

Wow, what a cliffhanger Friday was hey? Well, Olivia finally tells Sonny this is your son as Dante lays there bleeding, come on Olivia, you could have prevented this by telling Dante and Sonny the real story of being father and son. Now it seems that Oliva has made sure Sonny will see Prison with this one, as we all know that prior to Dante's shooting that Sonny and Jason were onto the whole arrest issue, and knowing them, they would have figured a way out, but now add Dante being shot, looks like Sonny just bought a one-way ticket to Prison. You could see when Dante was arresting Sonny how much he wished this was something he did not have to do. You could also see how much Sonny wished he did not have to pull the trigger. Olivia, what were you thinking keeping this a secret knowing the only possible out come.

Prior to Dante's shooting, we saw a relationship blooming this week with Lulu. I think this is the perfect match with these two. Hope we get to see more of this romance in the coming weeks.

Elizabeth, in my opinion, got exactly what she deserves from Lucky. This girl has always come out with a backup romance every time she has cheated, this time I think Elizabeth finally lost her wings! They have always portrayed her as the good girl, the rose colored glasses are off now. This girl could not beat herself up enough over what she has done to Lucky to make me happy, she has just got away with too much for too long.

Carly talking to Jason this week about being a father to Jake and being a part of this life was a situtation going in the right direction, I believe, he should be a part of his son's life. Lucky talking to him also seems to have got the wheels spinning in the fatherhood department. Jason and Sam would be a good addition to that little boys life, honestly, he is not any worse of a parent figure that his run around mother. Jason has some thinking to do, hopefully he will choose to be a part of his son's life.

Luke, this past couple of weeks, did a good job with Lucky and was there for him with this heartache over Elizebeth. In the past, Luke would have let it play out without getting involved, that was always Laura's place. He has become a good father in the absence of Laura and having gone down that road of drowning his sorrows in booze has given him insite into Lucky's problems. I think with the help of his dad, Lucky will mend his broken heart.

What about Jax, boy when Carly finds out his hand in Sonny's arrest I think that may be a marriage on the rocks. What is he thinking about going against people Carly cares about, Carly is not going to be forgiving of that kind of betrayel. Sad, because Carly has been living in happy everafter land now since Joslin's birth, that is about to all end soon. Jax's own mom warned him about hiding things from Carly, too bad he isn't listening to her advice. It is going to cost Jax big time. Jax finally has met his match with Carly and he is pushing that relationship out the door.

This coming week is going to be a high rating week for good old GH, will Dante pull through, will Sonny get arrested, will Jason let Elizabeth know he is stepping back into the picture with his son, will Carly and Jax be on the road to divorce, will Dante have a future with Lulu? Next week will give us some answers I'm sure. Till next time, signing off GH fan.

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