ETonline - Breaking News

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Earthquake In Haiti Stars Support Efforts.

The stars come to the aid of Haiti in the mist of such tragedy where thousands have lost their lives, and thousands more are without everyday needs such as water. The 7.0 earthquake has left many without shelter and Haitian’s looking for their loved ones amidst the rubble that is left of their homes and businesses.

Many stars are working with different media’s to help get the Haitian people help as well as pledging large sums of money like Angelina and Brad, pledging 1,000,000.00 dollars, as well others like Madonna who have also pledged 250,000.00 to help the Haitian people.

Oscar-winning actor George Clooney is organizing a telethon with his celebrity friends on MTV next Friday, but details are still being worked out for the telethon in an effort to raise money for the Country.

Numerous other celebrities tweeted to the public to encourage donations to UNICEF, while others like Alyssa Milano and Christina Applegate pledged through the Red Cross. We are all encouraged to do what we can, if even only a dollar, it will make a difference to these people and their country in this devastating time.

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