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Sunday, January 31, 2010

Soap It UP!

Wow, what a cliffhanger Friday was hey? Well, Olivia finally tells Sonny this is your son as Dante lays there bleeding, come on Olivia, you could have prevented this by telling Dante and Sonny the real story of being father and son. Now it seems that Oliva has made sure Sonny will see Prison with this one, as we all know that prior to Dante's shooting that Sonny and Jason were onto the whole arrest issue, and knowing them, they would have figured a way out, but now add Dante being shot, looks like Sonny just bought a one-way ticket to Prison. You could see when Dante was arresting Sonny how much he wished this was something he did not have to do. You could also see how much Sonny wished he did not have to pull the trigger. Olivia, what were you thinking keeping this a secret knowing the only possible out come.

Prior to Dante's shooting, we saw a relationship blooming this week with Lulu. I think this is the perfect match with these two. Hope we get to see more of this romance in the coming weeks.

Elizabeth, in my opinion, got exactly what she deserves from Lucky. This girl has always come out with a backup romance every time she has cheated, this time I think Elizabeth finally lost her wings! They have always portrayed her as the good girl, the rose colored glasses are off now. This girl could not beat herself up enough over what she has done to Lucky to make me happy, she has just got away with too much for too long.

Carly talking to Jason this week about being a father to Jake and being a part of this life was a situtation going in the right direction, I believe, he should be a part of his son's life. Lucky talking to him also seems to have got the wheels spinning in the fatherhood department. Jason and Sam would be a good addition to that little boys life, honestly, he is not any worse of a parent figure that his run around mother. Jason has some thinking to do, hopefully he will choose to be a part of his son's life.

Luke, this past couple of weeks, did a good job with Lucky and was there for him with this heartache over Elizebeth. In the past, Luke would have let it play out without getting involved, that was always Laura's place. He has become a good father in the absence of Laura and having gone down that road of drowning his sorrows in booze has given him insite into Lucky's problems. I think with the help of his dad, Lucky will mend his broken heart.

What about Jax, boy when Carly finds out his hand in Sonny's arrest I think that may be a marriage on the rocks. What is he thinking about going against people Carly cares about, Carly is not going to be forgiving of that kind of betrayel. Sad, because Carly has been living in happy everafter land now since Joslin's birth, that is about to all end soon. Jax's own mom warned him about hiding things from Carly, too bad he isn't listening to her advice. It is going to cost Jax big time. Jax finally has met his match with Carly and he is pushing that relationship out the door.

This coming week is going to be a high rating week for good old GH, will Dante pull through, will Sonny get arrested, will Jason let Elizabeth know he is stepping back into the picture with his son, will Carly and Jax be on the road to divorce, will Dante have a future with Lulu? Next week will give us some answers I'm sure. Till next time, signing off GH fan.

Michael Jackson, the One and Only!

Well this has been a big week with THIS IS IT coming out in the stores, this was a good film and truly showed the man for what he was, GENIUS in the music world. The up coming Grammy Awards holds yet another award for this genius in the music industry with word that his kids will except for him. How wonderful for his children to see first hand the appreciation of their father's talent. Michael, like Elvis, has left the world with an impact on the world of music that will be here generations to come. Many become famous, few become ICONS never to be forgotten.

Monday, January 18, 2010

Red Carpet Golden Globe Awards 2010

Hollywood Glamour at what is suppose to be its best on the red carpet showing off designer clothes and Jewelry. I like watching this part of the show to see the fashion statements being made by Hollywood, but the main part of the show generally leaves me yawning.

In watching the arrivals I would say this about these 5 women from left to right on their fashion statements for this award event, HIT, HIT, TOTAL MISS, HIT, AND JUST OKAY!.

I thought Sandra looked beautiful with the deep colored dress perfect for this time of the year and in a romantic color. The deep colors in the dress matched her deep tones making it a perfect match that set if off very well.

Then came Mariah, let’s face it Mariah the girls are no longer 20 something and could use a little propping. I found the dress to be nothing special and one I have seen on her design wise, many times. A little something to the imagination goes a long way when attempting to be classy.

I thought George and date was a handsome couple, although I was not impressed with his tuxedo. It could have been more dashing with a better bowtie. His girlfriend looked lovely and the dress she picked also was perfect for the occasion, very pretty on her.

Drew Barrymore, however, is such a pretty woman, but the dress was a miss. The lines of the dress actually complemented her, but the color looked washed out against her fair skin, and what was with the Christmas garland look on the shoulder and hip area? Drew, change the color next time to something that compliments your skin tones and lose the garland.

Fergie and husband looked romantic, very handsome couple on the carpet last night.

Meryl Streep picked up another award last night to add to her well-deserved collection. Congratulations Meryl, well deserved. By the way, anyone see “It’s complicated?” One of the best movies I have seen in some time, kept me giggling to myself the whole movie. My son took me on Christmas day, and he found the movie funny, good family entertainment if your kids are a bit older.

I have to say then when I watch these programs, I am always a bit disappointed in the appearance of the stars themselves. It certainly is not like Hollywood’s Golden Age. Today many stars show up looking like the fell out of bed, slapped makeup on, and got dressed in a hurry. A few have not let me down, such as Ms. Witherspoon. She always looks like a Golden Age Hollywood era Actress, Hollywood royalty, generally speaking. I have to say Nicole Kidman also is always stunning, these two always have the whole package look.

Post your comments on who you liked.

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Talk Show Wars!

I do not know about everybody else, but I am tired of hearing about Conan and Jay Leno. Give me a break, they are both making decent money and should just be happy to have a job in today’s economy, shame on both of you. I have to say this makes me think about the whole entertainment media and these talk shows with how much money they make for sitting there asking questions. Then you have the guy digging ditches, or laying concrete for our highways, or building our cities, and these poor gents are barely getting by supporting their families. Where are our priorities? It sickens me to see entertainers that are not happy with their lives crying about privacy, not making enough millions on each project, and having regular pity parties for themselves and turning to drugs. I have way less than any of the entertainers that make the news daily and I count my blessing each day. There is a price to pay for making that kind of EXTREME money, yes they have special talents, but so does EVERYBODY, we just don’t want to pay to see the guy that can build a car that runs on water, or the person who put in the plumbing to keep the city from flooding, or the guy that figured out how to build a bridge from here to there. Many of these people spend their lives in extreme temperatures working outdoors, these people are called blue collar. These are the people who do all the work in this country and get the least pay, struggling to provide homes and food for their families and we don’t pay them millions, do we? I think many of these entertainers need to take a look in the mirror; they get so much for so little. I say count your blessings that there are people out there willing to pay you outrageous amounts of money to read a script with feeling, or say a few jokes and ask questions, you could be having to earn a living digging ditches!

Meeting Someone Online

Years ago, this was not as easy as it is today with so many avenues out there to meet somebody. Back then, you either were introduced or met on coincident at a social gathering spot, then possibly asked one another out. Today we have the internet with social networks like MySpace, Facebook, etc. not to mention all the dating services such as Match, E Harmony, as well as numerous other sites. If you cannot not meet somebody these days, there is a problem. Getting together with them could be a whole other situation.

What I envy about the way it is done today is the fact that you can actually get to know one another in a comfortable setting with no pressure on saying or doing the right thing to attract one another. You can first swap pictures, if that is acceptable and you like the goods you see, then you can actually start corresponding to one another getting to know each other. If all of that goes well, then you can actually pick the place, and time to get together, giving you the most opportune meeting with looking your very best on that first impression. My problem being is I truly believe we come with a sixth sense so to speak of, and meeting someone via the internet scares me a bit. In a social gathering spot, you can look them over, look at their friends, and also sit back and watch, this gives an idea of what you could be dealing with. Once you speak face to face, this also is something that at least with me, has set off signals good or bad, and in some cases both. If you are a person who trusts your instincts then this can be the break it or make it part of the whole game.

Doing this on the internet would be different, unless you’re psychic or something they can be an ax murder, child molester, or just an out and out liar telling you they are a successful business person, when actually they are living in the basement of their parent’s home. Sites like Harmony state they take profiles and match you on 29 different areas and this could be an awesome tool to make sure you get with someone who has similar interests and values. Again, a bit scary since you can lie on these profiles, but I have seen commercials where couples have married and seem happy. I guess this form of meeting another person could be a great way to go given the fact they’re telling the truth. Not to mention in today’s world we are always on the go and it is hard to make time to go out and meet someone as a set agenda. Therefore, with the new way of meeting singles via the internet, here are some rules of thumb to try to help you with having a safe experience.

1. Do not include any personal information in your profile such as address, workplace, personal email, or telephone number. Make a Hotmail account without personal information to correspond or through the actual dating site leave correspondence. Most sites offer this.

2. Take your time getting to know someone online before revealing any personal information. People who lie generally will be caught if you pay attention to what is being said. The story will change and be inconsistent, such as age, martial status, employment, status in life, kind of car, etc. They will even avoid answering reasonable questions directly.

3. Do not fake your profile and photograph; be honest if you are serous about meeting someone who will be interested in YOU.

4. Avoid being pressured to meet too soon, be comfortable with the person you are talking with. If you feel uncomfortable stop making contact, this is easy when you are not in person.

5. Check their profile after talking and see if information matches, this can give you some lead way as to whether they are honest or not.

6. Don’t be afraid to be yourself, keep away from sexual conversations since that will imply you are looking for something else other than a full rounded relationship with someone, instead just wanting casual sex.

If this is your choice of a way for you to meet someone in a comfortable setting, as well as safe, to begin a new relationship, then go to a good social site that is setup with precautions for keeping your personal information safe. Good luck on your venture!


Okay, we all have our weaknesses and I work during the day, but I have the soap channel and can catch up on my one daytime weakness General Hospital. I have been watching this soap on and off for more years than I would like to admit to, but let’s just say my favorite year was the year Luck and Laura were on the run from the hunky Hittman Hutch, hired by Frank Smith.

It saddens me that Laura and Luke are not together and there will never be a storyline like Luke and Laura again, but GH has had some real good storylines over the years without Luke and Laura to carry the show’s ratings.

Today as the soap plays out, I have to admit my favorite is Jason Morgan, what a hunky piece of man that is, lucky Sam. I am truly glad that this past week Jason saved his lovely Sam from Franco, too bad Franco got away in the process, future storyline perhaps.

I am just somewhat upset with the whole thing going on with Elizabeth, Lucky, and Nickolas. Come on Elizabeth, haven’t we been down this road before, poor Jason had his heart broken and gave up his being a part of his son’s life. How many times do you think you can have affairs and not pay the price. Let’s face it, Elizabeth is needy in the romance department and her partners seem to be the ones to lose big time. She on the other hand always comes out with a backup romance. I think this time Elisabeth should be the one out in the cold.

As for the whole scenario about the death of Sonny’s latest wife, Claudia, cannot say we did not see her demise coming. It is too bad that Michael was the one to end her life with already seeming to be on the path of future mobster. This storyline got his feet wet in the department of knocking off people. Although, Michael is now showing some remorse with his flashbacks and his talk with his mother, it gives us hope he will not end up the Godfather’s Hittman son.

Franco in the new storyline certainly gave Jason a run for his money on being a Hittman with having him try to figure out the next move. These two hitmen are worlds apart on thinking, with Franco being what the viewers would consider the black Hittman, one screw left undone, and Jason, my honey, the white Hittman in saving his friends and loved ones from the deranged plans of Franco. Dante/Dominic also saved Lulu which made me glad since I feel a romance in the air with these two and think this would be a good storyline as well as couple, the chemistry is there! Could this be the next hot couple on GH? Many possibilities with this couple on storylines.

That brings us to Dante’s mother Olivia and her boy toy Johnny. I’m sorry, I have NOTHING against a woman being what we are now calling a Cougar, but seems to me she is having a bit of a time picking the importance of motherhood vs. romance. Easy enough to understand with a young hot boyfriend like Johnny, but being a mother I think protecting her son is more important. I just do not get it with her not telling Sony about him being his father? Come on Olivia, you have already had a number of narrow escapes, tell them. How is Dante going to feel when it comes out if he Busts Sonny, and with Sonny’s temper will Dante live to talk about his bust? Bring it out in the open they deserve to know, they already have respect for one another and can feel this connection.

As for Kristina and her boyfriend, this girl upsets me, on one hand she is so judgmental on of her father, but then has a boyfriend that hits her and uses her, this girl has some issues. I guess with Alexis being her mother and not being the best role model when it comes to picking men this girl does not fall far from the tree in that department.

What’s with this new chick at the hospital an old acquaintance of Patrick’s? Does nobody see what is going on; this chick is after Robin’s man. Robin watch out!

That’s it for now, talk to you soon!

Earthquake In Haiti Stars Support Efforts.

The stars come to the aid of Haiti in the mist of such tragedy where thousands have lost their lives, and thousands more are without everyday needs such as water. The 7.0 earthquake has left many without shelter and Haitian’s looking for their loved ones amidst the rubble that is left of their homes and businesses.

Many stars are working with different media’s to help get the Haitian people help as well as pledging large sums of money like Angelina and Brad, pledging 1,000,000.00 dollars, as well others like Madonna who have also pledged 250,000.00 to help the Haitian people.

Oscar-winning actor George Clooney is organizing a telethon with his celebrity friends on MTV next Friday, but details are still being worked out for the telethon in an effort to raise money for the Country.

Numerous other celebrities tweeted to the public to encourage donations to UNICEF, while others like Alyssa Milano and Christina Applegate pledged through the Red Cross. We are all encouraged to do what we can, if even only a dollar, it will make a difference to these people and their country in this devastating time.